Thursday, 8 January 2015

BURUAN polis PARIS ‘3 lelaki BERSENJATA, 12 ditembak MATI di PEJABAT Charlie HEBDO’ . . .

Srikandi 3 lelaki bersenjata yang melarikan diri selepas membunuh 10 wartawan dan 2 anggota polis di ibu pejabat akhbar Paris Charlie Hebdo secara menyindir. Polis melancarkan pemburuan dan menaikkan tahap keselamatan di ibu negara Perancis.

BACA lebih lanjut: tembak Maut di Charlie Hebdo HQ di Paris LIVE TERKINI READ MORE: Fatal shooting at Charlie Hebdo HQ in Paris LIVE UPDATES

Sekurang-kurangnya 2kulit hitam-bertudung lelaki 2yg bersenjata bersenjatakan senapang Kalashnikov memasuki bangunan Perancis menyindir mingguan Charlie Hebdo di daerah ke-11 pada pagi Rabu. Beberapa laporan mencadangkan bahawa mereka juga mempunyai bom tangan roket.

"Seseorang yang berdekatan di atas bumbung dan melihat banyak kejadian itu berkata, 3 anggota polis kemudian tiba di pushbike 1," Henry Samuel, yang Daily Telegraph wartawan Paris itu, kepada Sky News.

"Apabila mereka melihat bagaimana tentera-orang itu telah meninggalkan mereka dan kemudian terdapat sejenis pertarungan senjata di jalanan."

PARIS Manhunt: 3 GUNMEN at LARGE, 12 Shot DEAD 
at Charlie Hebdo OFFICES . . .

Three gunmen are on the run after killing 10 journalists and two policemen at the Paris headquarters of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Police launched a manhunt and raised security levels in the French capital.

At least two black-hooded men gunmen armed with Kalashnikov rifles entered the building of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in the 11th district on Wednesday morning. Some reports suggested that they even had a rocket-propelled grenade.

“Somebody who was nearby on the roof and saw much of the incident said three policemen then arrived on a pushbike,” Henry Samuel, the Daily Telegraph's Paris correspondent, told Sky News.

"When they saw how armed these men were they left and then there was a kind of gunfight in the street.”

Tembak-menembak sengit meletus, dengan lelaki bersenjata melarikan diri dari bangunan itu dan masuk ke dalam sebuah Citroen hitam. Mereka yang tinggal di belakang mayat dan sebuah van polis penuh dengan peluru. Pegawai keselamatan atas an Perancis berkata kemudian terdapat 3 lelaki bersenjata.

4 orang kartunis terkenal Perancis terbunuh dalam serangan - Georges Wolinski, Jean Cabut aka 'Cabu', Bernard Verlhac aka 'Tignous' dan Stéphane Charbonnier aka 'Charb'.

"Mereka ditembak Wolinski, ‘Cabu’ . . . ia berlangsung kira-kira 5 minit . . . Saya telah mengambil perlindungan di bawah meja . . . mereka bercakap Perancis dgn baik. . . mereka berkata mereka Al-Qaeda, "kartunis Corine Rey, aka" Coco", dipetik sebagai berkata oleh mingguan Humanité.

Pejabat Charlie Hebdo (Google Maps)

BACA lebih lanjut: Charlie Hebdo serangan: Ketua editor Charb, kartunis Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous dibunuh READ MORE: Charlie Hebdo attack: Chief editor Charb, cartoonists Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous killed

Beberapa video yang disiarkan melalui media sosial menunjukkan 2 lelaki berto-peng berdiri di sebelah sebuah kereta hitam di jalan Paris yang berteriak "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah adalah besar") & menembak tembakan pada kereta polis. Rakaman ini datang dari tingkat atas bangunan bersebelahan dgn pejabat Charlie Hebdo itu.

Intense shooting broke out, with the gunmen fleeing the building and getting into in a black Citroen. They left behind dead bodies and a police van riddled with bullets. France's top security official said later there were three gunmen.

Four famous French cartoonists were killed in the attack - Georges Wolinski, Jean Cabut aka ‘Cabu’, Bernard Verlhac aka ‘Tignous’ and Stéphane Charbonnier aka ‘Charb’.

“They shot Wolinski, Cabu.. . it lasted about five minutes . . . I took cover under a desk . . . they spoke perfect French . . . they said they were Al-Qaeda,” cartoonist Corine Rey, aka “Coco”, was quoted as saying by the weekly Humanité.

Several videos posted on social media showed two masked gunmen standing next to a black car on the Paris street shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest") and firing shots at a police car. The footage came from the upper floors of the buildings next to Charlie Hebdo’s offices.

"Ketika melarikan diri mereka cederakan seorang anggota polis dan orang yg lewat juga melanda," kata Daily Telegraph itu Paris wartawan.

Penyerang mendapat ke dalam kereta percutian dan ditolak ke arah Porte de Pantin di timur laut Paris, menurut polis. Meninggalkan kereta pertama, mereka dirampas yg ke-2 beralih pemandu keluar ke jalan raya.

“While fleeing they wounded a policeman and a passer-by was also hit,” the Daily Telegraph's Paris correspondent said.

The attackers got into a getaway car and set off in the direction of Porte de Pantin in northeast Paris, according to police. Abandoning the first car, they hijacked a second turning the driver out on to the road.

(Les tireurs de #ChalieHebdo face à une voiture de police. Ils ont fait feu, les policiers ont répliqué puis reculé) 7:45 PM - 7 Jan 2015

Tiada kumpulan pengganas masih belum mengaku bertanggungjawab untuk serangan. Walau bagaimanapun, satu militan Negara Islam memuji serangan ke atas majalah satira Perancis pada Rabu.

"Singa Islam telah menuntut bela Nabi kami," Abu Mussab, yang berjuang untuk pemberontak IS di Syria, kepada Reuters melalui sambungan internet. "Ini adalah singa kami Ia titisan pertama - Lagi yg akan," katanya, bercakap melalui sambun-gan internet dari Syria. Beliau menambah bahawa beliau dan rakan-rakan pejuang gembira mengenai kejadian itu.

Mussab berkata beliau tidak mengetahui lelaki bersenjata yg melakukan serangan tersebut, tetapi menambah "mereka berada di jalan amir [pemimpin IS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] . . . Dan Sheikh Osama kami (bin Laden)."

Laporan mencadangkan bahawa kartun yang menggambarkan Nabi Muhammad disiarkan lebih awal oleh karya menyindir adalah sebab untuk serangan. Lelaki bersenjata dilaporkan menjerit memanggil mangsa dgn nama: "Kami tlh menuntut bela nabi".

No terrorist group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. However, an Islamic State militant praised the attack on the French satirical magazine on Wednesday.

"The lions of Islam have avenged our Prophet," Abu Mussab, who fights for IS insurgents in Syria, told Reuters via internet connection. "These are our lions. It's the first drops – more will follow," he said, speaking via an internet connection from Syria. He added that he and his fellow fighters are happy about the incident.

Mussab said he did not know the gunmen who carried out the attack, but added "they are on the path of the emir [IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] . . . and our Sheikh Osama (bin Laden)."

Reports suggest that the cartoons portraying Prophet Mohammed published earlier by the satirical paper were the reason for the attack. The gunmen reportedly called out the victims by name, shouting: “We have avenged the prophet."

Pada bulan November 2011, Charlie Hebdo menerbitkan isu dengan Nabi Muhammad sebagai "editor tetamu" itu. Nabi, Islam melarang dari ditonton, telah memakai kata muka depan: "100 kali jika anda tidak mati ketawa."

BACA lebih lanjut: 'Siapa yang akan berani menerbitkan ini?' Kebimbangan kartunis Sweden selepas serangan Paris READ MORE: ‘Who’d dare publish now?’ Swedish cartoonist’s concerns after Paris attack

Majalah itu berkata adalah bagaimana mereka mengambil keputusan untuk meraikan kemenangan parti Islam dalam pilihan raya Tunisia. Pejabat firebombed berikut penerbitan.

Pada tahun 2005, Charlie Hebdo telah dikritik oleh orang Islam selepas ia mencetak semula kartun Nabi Muhammad daripada sebuah akhbar Denmark.

In November 2011, Charlie Hebdo published an issue with the Prophet Mohammed as its “guest editor”. The prophet, who Islam bans from portraying, was put on the front page saying: "100 lashes if you don't die of laughter."

The magazine said it was how they decided to celebrate the victory of the Islamist party in the Tunisian elections. Its office was firebombed following the publication.

In 2005, Charlie Hebdo was sharply criticized by Muslims after it reprinted cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed from a Danish newspaper.


'SIAPAKAH yang AKAN Berani MENERBITKANNYA SEKARANG?' Kartunis Di Sweden Kebimbangan SELEPAS Serangan PARIS . . .

Srikandi - Kartunis terkenal Sweden Lars Vilks, yg terkenal dgn lukisan kontroversi Nabi Muhammad, kepada RT bahawa dia takut untuk kebebasan penerbitan untuk mencetak apa yg mereka mahu, berikut tembakan maut di Paris yg mengorbankan 12 orang.

Vilks bertemu Stephane Charbonnier, editor Charlie Hedbo, hanya beberapa bulan yang lalu.

Kartun Sweden ditembak menjadi terkenal pada tahun 2007 selepas beliau menarik kartun dengan kepala Nabi Muhammad dengan badan seekor anjing. Karya-karya beliau adalah kerana telah dinyatakan di galeri tempatan, tetapi pameran itu telah dibatalkan kerana kebimbangan keselamatan.

Pemain berusia 68 tahun telah menghadapi ancaman bunuh, ketika dia ditumbuk semasa syarahan dia memberi pd tahun 2010. Beliau percaya bahwa pengecualian tidak perlu dibuat untuk Islam, apabila semua agama-agama lain yang menerima hakikat bahawa kartun boleh mempermain-olok2 mereka.

Berikutan tembakan di ibu negara Perancis, Vilks berkata beliau ditawarkan perlin-dungan tambahan. "Ya, mereka tlh mengukuhkan perlindungan di sekeliling saya. Mereka telah mengambil langkah-langkah yg berbeza," Vilks kepada Reuters, tanpa memberi maklumat lanjut.

RT: Bagaimana sambutan anda untuk acara ini, yang menyaksikan beberapa kartunis tragis dibunuh?

Lars Vilks: Bagi saya ini adalah sangat peribadi kerana saya baru sahaja mendengar bahawa editor itu telah ditembak dan saya bertemu dengan beliau kerana beliau adalah seorang pemenang hadiah.

Terdapat hadiah dalam nama-Ku disebut Anjing Golden untuk Kebebasan Bersuara dan beliau menerima bahawa di Copenhagen beberapa bulan yang lalu. Oleh itu, saya bertemu beliau dan kita bercakap banyak pada masa itu, sehingga ia benar-benar jenis kerugian peribadi.

‘Who’d DARE publish NOW?’ Swedish CARTOONIST’s Concerns AFTER Paris ATTACK . . .

Famous Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, known for his controversial drawings of the Prophet Muhammad, told RT that he fears for the freedom of publications to print what they want, following the deadly shooting in Paris that killed 12 people.

Vilks met Stephane Charbonnier, the editor of Charlie Hedbo, just months ago.

The Swedish cartoonist shot to prominence in 2007 after he drew a cartoon with a head of Prophet Mohammed with a body of a dog. His works were due to have been displayed at a local gallery, but the exhibition was canceled because of security concerns.

The 68 year-old has faced death threats, while he was punched during a lecture he gave in 2010. He believes that an exception shouldn’t be made for Islam, when all other religions have accepted that cartoons can poke fun at them.

Following the shootings in the French capital, Vilks said that he had been offered extra protection."Yes, they have strengthened protection around me. They have taken different measures," Vilks told Reuters, without giving further details.

RT: What is your response to this event, which has seen several cartoonists tragically killed?

Lars Vilks: For me this is very personal because I have just heard that the editor has been shot and I met him because he was a prize winner. There is a prize in my name that is called the Golden Dog for Freedom of Expression and he received that in Copenhagen a few months ago. So I met him and we talked a lot during that time, so it’s really kind of a personal loss.

French cartoonists Tignous (kiri/L), Charb (tengah/C) and Cabu (AFP Photo/Miguel Medina)

Akibat daripada ini, bahawa orang menjadi lebih menakutkan. Saya mempunyai masalah apabila ada ceramah atau pameran kerana kebanyakan perkara dibatalkan kerana ketakutan.

Majlis ini di sini akan membuat perkara yang lebih buruk lagi dan orang ramai akan menjadi sangat takut selepas apa yang telah berlaku. Ini juga boleh menye-babkan masalah dengan penapisan kerana yang akan berani untuk menyiarkan apa-apa selepas apa yang telah berlaku?

RT: Adakah anda fikir akan ada lebih penapisan dan orang akan lebih berhati-hati dengan apa yang mereka menyiarkan?

Lars Vilks: Masalahnya ialah bahawa kita sudah mempunyai tahap yang sangat tinggi penapisan apabila ia datang kepada Islam dan agama dan perkara-perkara seperti itu. Tidak ada satu majalah beberapa yang telah cuba untuk menjaga akan seperti biasa dan Charlie Hebdo adalah salah satu yang beberapa. 

Ini adalah baik untuk pengganas kerana mereka tahu mereka boleh menyerang salah satu daripada beberapa sasaran. Saya rasa Akibatnya kini akan menjadi lebih kurang daripada ini (majalah).

RT: Terdapat ancaman terlebih dahulu supaya anda berfikir lebih boleh dilakukan dari segi keselamatan untuk Charlie Hebdo?

Saya berkata demikian kepada Biard (di ketua editor Charlie Hebdo) dan dia telah memberitahu saya kita mempunyai anggota polis beberapa hari ini bergerak di sekitar kawasan itu dan segala-galanya adalah sangat tenang. Tetapi ini adalah titik, anda tidak tahu berapa ramai orang yang anda perlukan.

Apabila sesuatu berlaku, ia akan sentiasa menjadi kejutan. Inilah masalahnya. Anda benar-benar memerlukan sebuah tentera untuk menjamin keselamatan. Tahun dan tahun-tahun boleh pergi dan tiada apa yang berlaku dan apabila ianya menyerang, ia menyerang.

RT: Anda berkata kepada editor yang baru-baru ini. Adakah dia pernah bimbang keselamatannya?

Lars Vilks: Tidak, tidak. Ini tidak berlaku. Dia sangat lucu dan berasa sangat selamat.

The consequences of this will be that people become more fearful. I have problems when I have lectures or exhibitions as most things are canceled because of fright. This occasion here will make things even worse and people will be very scared after what has happened. This could also cause problems with censorship because who would dare to publish anything after what has happened?

RT: Do you think there will be more censorship and will people be more wary of what they publish?

Lars Vilks: The problem is that we already have a very high level of censorship when it comes to Islam and religion and things like that. There have been a few magazines that have tried to keep going as normal and Charlie Hebdo was one of the few ones. This is good for terrorists because they know they can attack one of these few targets. I think a consequence is now there will be even less of these (magazines).

RT: There were threats beforehand so do you think more could have been done in terms of security for Charlie Hebdo?

I was speaking to Biard (Charlie Hebdo’s editor in chief) and he was telling me we have a few policemen nowadays moving around the area and everything was very calm.

But this is the point, you never know how many people you need. When something happens, it will always be a surprise. This is the problem. You really need a whole army to guarantee security. Years and years can go and nothing happens and when it strikes, it strikes.

RT: You spoke to the editor recently. Did he ever fear for his safety?

Lars Vilks: No, no. This was not the case. He was very humorous and was feeling very secure.