Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin (dariKanan) disambut oleh Perancis Presiden Francois Hollande kerana dia tiba di Istana Elysee di Paris, 5 Jun, 2014. (Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) is greeted by France's President Francois Hollande as he arrives at the Elysee Palace in Paris, June 5, 2014. (Reuters/Francois Lenoir)
Srikandi גבורה - Pemimpin-pemimpin DUNIA, termasuk Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin, telah berbondong-bondong ke Perancis untuk menandakan ulang tahun ke-70 penda-ratan D-Day dalam Perang DUNIA ke-II. Di tengah-tengah perayaan, banyak mesyuarat rasmi telah memberi tumpuan kepada krisis Ukraine.
19:59 GMT:
Presiden Perancis Francois Hollande telah disambut Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin di Elysee Palace. Kedua-dua pemimpin meneruskan untuk makan malam yang berasin-gan, yang dilaporkan mewakili sebahagian daripada usaha-usaha diplomatik Hollande untuk meredakan ketegangan seluruh Ukraine.
19:33 GMT:
Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin dan Perdana Menteri UK, David Cameron sebenarnya berjabat tangan, tetapi hanya selepas kamera telah pergi, kata jurucakap Kremlin Dmitry Peskov.
"Para pemimpin berjabat tangan, itu adalah tanpa kamera TV," Peskov memberitahu Itar-Tass.
D-Day as Putin meets world leaders LIVE UPDATES
World leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, have flocked to France to mark the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in WWII. Amid the celebrations, many of the official meetings have focused on the Ukrainian crisis.
Thursday, June 5
19:59 GMT:
French President Francois Hollande has greeted Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Elysee Palace. The two leaders proceeded to a separate dinner, which reportedly represents part of Hollande's diplomatic efforts to defuse the tension over Ukraine.
19:33 GMT:
Russian President Vladimir Putin and UK Prime Minister David Cameron actually shook hands, but only after the cameras were gone, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
“The leaders shook hands, that was without TV cameras,” Peskov told Itar-Tass.
Memperingati D-Day di Ranville, utara Perancis, pada 5 Jun, 2014, pada malam ulang tahun ke-70 daripada pendaratan Perang DUNIA ke-II Bersekutu di Normandy. (A D-Day commemoration in Ranville, northern France, on June 5, 2014, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the World War II Allied landings in Normandy. (AFP Photo/Leon Neal)
18:41 GMT:
Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin dan UK Perdana Menteri, David Cameron bertemu di Lapangan Terbang Charles de Gaulle di Paris menjelang sambutan D-Day. Mesyuarat itu bermula "tanpa berjabat tangan tradisional," Itar-Tass melaporkan.
Sementara itu, Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Barack Obama & Presiden Perancis Francois Hollande bertemu di restoran Chiberta yang mewah di pusat bandar Paris.
18:41 GMT:
Russian President Vladimir Putin and UK Prime Minister David Cameron met in Paris’s Charles de Gaulle Airport ahead of the D-Day celebrations. The meeting started “without a traditional handshake,” Itar-Tass reports.
Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande met at the luxurious Chiberta restaurant in central Paris.
Perdana Menteri Britain, David Cameron (dariKanan) bercakap dengan Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin pada mesyuarat di Charles De Gaulle di Paris, Perancis 5 Jun 2014. (Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron (R) talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting at Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris, France June 5, 2014. (RIA Novosti/Alexey Nikolsky)
18:21 GMT:
Kiev perlu mengambil langkah pertama dalam konflik yang sedang berlaku di timur Ukraine dan menghentikan operasi ketenteraan di mana orang awam yang dibunuh, Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov kepada wartawan di Paris. Menurut Lavrov, orang Ukrain timur menolak peraturan Kiev akan mempunyai peluang untuk duduk di meja rundingan.
"Saya yakin bahawa langkah pertama hendaklah dibuat oleh orang-orang yang meme-gang diri mereka bertanggungjawab untuk keselamatan negara mereka . . . Oleh itu, langkah pertama perlu untuk menghentikan apa yang dipanggil" kaunter-pengganas"
Dan, berkesan, punitif - operasi, dan saya yakin bahawa dalam kes kedua-dua Lugansk dan Donetsk akan melakukan apa yang telah berkali-kali berkata: mereka akan ber-sedia untuk hentikan api dan duduk di meja rundingan, "tekan Lavrov.
Dengan itu, pemain luar yang mempengaruhi pihak di Ukraine juga mesti menyokong jalan damai dan menamatkan keganasan, kata diplomat atasan Rusia.
18:00 GMT:
Amerika Syarikat mahu Ukraine untuk menjadi "jambatan antara Timur dan Barat," Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat John Kerry kepada wartawan di Paris pada Khamis.
Menurut Kerry, pilihan raya Ukraine baru-baru ini, di mana Petro Poroshenko dipilih sebagai Presiden, akan membuka peluang untuk pemulihan ekonomi negara.
Rakan Rusia Kerry, Sergey Lavrov menegaskan bahawa Moscow juga mahu Ukraine untuk menjadi "keadaan aman dan stabil, di mana semua rakyat merasa sama dan mempunyai hak-hak mereka dihormati."
"Ukraine perlu menjadi jambatan, bukan pajak gadai," kata Lavrov.
18:21 GMT:
Kiev must take the first step in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine and stop its military operation in which civilians are being killed, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told journalists in Paris. According to Lavrov, the eastern Ukrainians rejecting Kiev’s rule will then have the chance to sit down at the negotiation table.
“I am convinced that the first step must be made by those, who hold themselves responsible for the security of their state . . .Thus, the first step should be to stop the so-called “counter-terrorist” – and, effectively, punitive – operation, and I am certain that in that case both Lugansk and Donetsk will do what has been repeatedly said: they will be ready to cease fire and sit down at the negotiation table,” Lavrov stressed.
With that, the external players influencing the sides in Ukraine must also support the way of peace and end the violence, the top Russian diplomat added.
18:00 GMT:
The US wants Ukraine to be “a bridge between the East and the West,” US Secretary of State John Kerry told journalists in Paris on Thursday.
According to Kerry, the recent Ukrainian election, in which Petro Poroshenko was elected president, will open up opportunities for the recovery of the country’s economy.
Kerry’s Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, stressed that Moscow too wants Ukraine to be “a peaceful and stable state, where all the citizens feel equal and have their rights respected.”
“Ukraine should become a bridge, not a pawn,” Lavrov said.
17:45 GMT:
Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov dan Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat John Kerry pada hari Khamis bertemu di ibu kota Perancis, Paris, dan membincangkan krisis Ukraine sebelum perayaan D-Day.
Berikutan mesyuarat itu, Lavrov kepada wartawan bahawa hanya Ukraine boleh mencapai keamanan di negara mereka, menekankan bahawa "pihak luar, mem-pengaruhi pihak yang berbeza Ukraine, tidak menyiapkan ketegangan, tidak mem-provokasi sikap garis keras," dan juga tindakan-tindakan lain yang bertujuan ‘pitting’ kumpulan yang berbeza daripada Ukraine terhadap satu sama lain.
Sisi Rusia dan Amerika "jelas mengesahkan keperluan untuk pemberhentian serta-merta operasi tentera" di timur Ukraine, kata Lavrov.
"Ia [operasi] telah keluar dari semua bahagian: kawasan perumahan sedang menembak dengan meriam dan penerbangan yang semakin ramai orang awam dibunuh," tekan Lavrov.
"Kita sangat berharap pengaruh Amerika Syarikat ke atas Presiden dipilih Ukraine [Petro] Poroshenko akan digunakan utk menghentikan ketegangan dan konfrontasi," katanya.
17:45 GMT:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday met in the French capital, Paris, and discussed the Ukrainian crisis ahead of D-Day celebrations.
Following the meeting, Lavrov told journalists that only Ukrainians can achieve peace in their country, stressing that “the outside players, influencing different Ukrainian parties, must not whip up tension, must not provoke hard-line attitudes,” as well as other actions aimed at pitting different groups of Ukrainians against each other.
The Russian and the American sides “clearly confirmed the need for immediate cessation of the military operation” in eastern Ukraine, Lavrov said.
“It [the operation] has already gone out of all proportion: residential areas are being fired at with artillery and aviation, more and more civilians are being killed,” Lavrov stressed.
“We very much hope that the US influence on the elected President of Ukraine [Petro] Poroshenko will be used to stop the tension and confrontation,” he said.