Kenderaan musnah yang dimiliki oleh pasukan keselamatan Iraq dilihat semasa pertempuran antara pasukan keselamatan Iraq dan al-Qaeda Negara Islam di Iraq dan Levant (ISIL) di bandar Iraq utara Mosul, 10 Jun 2014 (Damaged vehicles belonging to Iraqi security forces are seen during clashes between Iraqi security forces and al Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the northern Iraq city of Mosul, June 10, 2014 (Reuters/Stringer)
Srikandi גבורה - Pemberontak radikal Islam telah merampas konsulat Turki di bandar Iraq utara Mosul, diduduki oleh satu cabang Al-Qaeda, sumber-sumber kerajaan Turki telah memberitahu Reuters.
Menurut AFP memetik dari polis tempatan, konsul Turki dan 24 kakitangan konsulat lain yang telah diambil sebagai tebusan oleh militan daripada Negara Islam di Iraq dan Levant (ISIS atau ISIL).
Perdana Menteri Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan telah mengadakan mesyuarat tergempar pada keadaan, Hurriyet melaporkan.
Satu sumber kerajaan Turki memberitahu Reuters bahawa bilangan merampas pekerja konsulat dinaikkan kepada 48 warga Turki.
Sebuah kenderaan dibakar milik pasukan keselamatan Iraq yang tinggal di jalan raya satu hari selepas radikal pemberontak Muslim Sunni merampas kuasa bandar Mosul 11 Jun 2014 (A burnt vehicle belonging to the Iraqi security forces is left on a road one day after radical Sunni Muslim insurgents seized control of the city of Mosul June 11, 2014 (Reuters/Stringer)
Militants seize TURKISH Consulate in IRAQi City
Of Mosul – reports . . .
Radical Islamist insurgents have seized the Turkish consulate in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, occupied by an Al-Qaeda offshoot, Turkish government sources have told Reuters.
According to AFP citing local police, the Turkish consul and 24 other consulate employees have been taken hostage by the militants of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS or ISIL).
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was holding an emergency meeting on the situation, Hurriyet reports.
A Turkish government source told Reuters that the number of the seized consulate employees has been raised to 48 Turkish nationals.
This is huge -> MT @jmsardo #Iraq: Turkish consul in Mosul Öztürk Yılmaz taken hostage w/ 45 workers by ISIS fighters
Menurut media Turki, menangkap memegang diplomat di ibu pejabat militan.
Akaun Islam Twitter, @ Dawla_NewsMedia, yang telah tweeting gambar dan pro-ISIS laporan dari tempat kejadian itu, mendakwa bahawa diplomat Turki telah dipindahkan "ke lokasi yang tidak diketahui."
Sementara itu, Kementerian Luar Turki berkata ia mengesahkan maklumat seperti laporan daripada media tempatan mendakwa konsulat Kurdish telah diserang oleh ISIS, tetapi kakitangan itu bercanggah "dipindahkan dan selamat."
Militan Sunni radikal telah mengambil tebusan sekurang-kurangnya 32 warga Turki - pemandu lori - di kawasan itu sejak Selasa, mengikut Hurriyet.
Terdahulu, ISIS berbangga penawanan penapisan minyak terbesar Iraq utara bandar Baiji, dengan mendakwa ia telah "merampas tanpa pukulan." Kilang minyak, yang terletak kurang daripada 180km (110 batu) dari Mosul adalah salah satu objek yang strategik terjamin oleh tentera yang diketuai dalam serangan Iraq 2003 dan teliti mencari "senjata pemusnah besar-besaran." Tiada bahan kimia yang pernah ditemui di sana.
According to Turkish media, the captors are holding diplomats in militant headquarters.
An Islamist Twitter account, @Dawla_NewsMedia, which has been tweeting photos and pro-ISIS reports from the scene, claimed that the Turkish diplomats have been moved “to an unknown location.”
The Turkish Foreign Ministry meanwhile said it was verifying the information as conflicting reports from local Kurdish media claimed the consulate was attacked by ISIS, but the staff was “evacuated and safe.”
The radical Sunni militants have already taken hostage at least 32 Turkish nationals – truck drivers – in the area since Tuesday, according to Hurriyet.
Earlier, ISIS boasted the capture of Iraq’s biggest oil refinery north of the city of Baiji, claiming it had “seized it without a shot.” The oil refinery, located less than 180km (110 miles) from Mosul was one of the strategic objects secured by the US-led forces in the 2003 invasion of Iraq and thoroughly searched for “weapons of mass destruction.” No chemical agents were ever found there.
Google map
Pada malam Isnin, pejuang Al-Qaeda kumpulan serpihan ISIS menyerbu ‘stormed’ ibu pejabat kerajaan wilayah bersenjatakan bom tangan roket dan mesingan berat.
"Bandar Mosul adalah di luar kawalan kerajaan dan pada pengasih militan," seorang pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri kepada AFP pada hari Isnin. Ianya kini bandar yang ke-2 jatuh di bawah kawalan pejuang Islam sejak awal tahun ini. Pada bulan Januari militan merampas bandar Fallujah, penyisihan lebih 70,000 orang.
Akaun saksi menggambarkan adegan huru-hara di jalan-jalan bandar yang ke-2 terbesar Iraq sebagai beribu-ribu orang melarikan diri untuk kehidupan mereka. Bebe-rapa laporan mengatakan bahawa militan adalah membebaskan tahanan daripada balai polis, manakala Koresponden AL RAI Ketua Antarabangsa Elia J Magnier menulis sebarang tweet bahawa ISIS telah dibebaskan lebih 2,000 penghuni dari "penjara kaunter keganasan."
Beratus-ratus ribu orang dipercayai telah melarikan diri Mosul dan wilayah Iraq utara Nineveh, yang membimbangkan sebahagian besarnya diambil di bawah kawalan. Per-tubuhan Antarabangsa bagi Migrasi (IOM) yang ditempatkan jumlah pelarian 500,000.
Mereka melarikan diri rantau ini termasuk tentera Iraq lemah semangat, yang chaoti-cally meninggalkan kedudukan mereka, membuang pakaian seragam, senjata, senjata dan perkakasan tentera.
On Monday night, fighters from Al-Qaeda splinter group ISIS stormed provincial government headquarters armed with rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns.
“The city of Mosul is outside the control of the state and at the mercy of the militants,” an Interior Ministry official told AFP on Monday. It is now the second city to fall under control of Islamist fighters since the beginning of this year. In January militants seized the city of Fallujah, displacing over 70,000 people.
Eyewitness accounts describe the scenes of chaos on the streets of Iraq’s second-largest city as thousands of people fled for their lives. A number of reports say that militants are freeing detainees from police stations, while AL RAI Chief International Correspondent Elijah J Magnier tweeted that the ISIS had freed over 2,000 inmates from a “counter terrorism prison.”
Hundreds of thousands of people are believed to have fled Mosul and the northern Iraqi province of Nineveh, which the jihadists have largely taken under control. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) placed the number of refugees at 500,000.
Those fleeing the region included demoralized Iraqi troops, who chaotically left their positions, dropping uniforms, weapons, munitions and military hardware.