Thursday, 20 November 2014

#EducationPERCUMA: Pelajar berbaris terhadap YURAN pengajian & KELUKAAN di London LIVE TERKINI

Penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui pusat bandar London 9 November, 2010. Pelajar berangkat untuk berarak melalui London pada hari Rabu di paparan terkini kemarahan terhadap langkah-langkah penjimatan kerajaan, dgn menjanjikan kehadiran polis yg lebih besar untuk mencegah pengulangan kekerasan dan rusuhan dilihat semasa terakhir tahun lepas (Demonstrators march through central London November 9, 2010. Students set off to march through London on Wed-nesday in the latest display of anger against the government's austerity measures, with police pro-mising a larger presence to prevent any repeat of the violence and rioting seen during the last year (Reuters/Suzanne Plunkett)

tiaraVillaRuby - Beribu-ribu pelajar berbaris di Parlimen United Kingdom pada hari Rabu dalam tindakan pelajar yg terbesar dalam tempoh 4 tahun. Protes, yg disebut oleh Kempen Kebangsaan Menentang Yuran & Luka, menuntut mengakhiri pemotongan bajet dan untuk mengembalikan pendidikan percuma.

Kontinjen pelajar telah tiba di ibu negara dari sekurang-kurangnya 40 bandar2 dan bandar2 UK. Hari lagi di seluruh negara tindakan telah diumumkan sepanjang bulan Disember.

#FreeEducation: Students march against tuition fees & 
cuts in London LIVE UPDATES

Thousands of students are marching on the UK parliament on Wednesday in the biggest student action in four years. The protest, called by the National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts, is demanding an end to budget cuts and to restore free education.

Contingents of students have arrived in the capital from at least 40 UK towns and cities. Further nationwide days of action have been announced throughout December.

Rabu/Wednesday, November 19

18:53 GMT:
4 tangkapan yang telah disahkan-dua penunjuk perasaan telah dituduh menyerang polis, dan dua yang lain dengan keributan, pelanggaran ketertiban umum.

Four arrests have been confirmed - two protesters have been charged with assaulting police, and two others with affray, a public order offense.

17:02 GMT:
Rakaman RT daripada pergelutan itu pertama hari itu.

RT footage from the first scuffle of the day.

17:00 GMT:
UKIP telah menyatakan sokongan mereka terhadap #FreeEducation. NCAFC tidak memberi respons secara positif.

UKIP have proclaimed their support for the #FreeEducation. The NCAFC have not responded positively.

16:57 GMT:
BREAKING: penunjuk perasaan ditangkap dan dibawa ke dalam van polis. Polis terus akan memarahi oleh penunjuk perasaan.

BREAKING: Protester arrested and taken into police van. Police continue be berated by protesters

16:56 GMT:
BREAKING: polis sedang menyematkan penunjuk perasaan untuk sebuah van rusuhan. Ketegangan semakin meningkat lagi di Parlimen Square.

BREAKING: police are pinning a protester to a riot van. Tension is rising again in Parliament Square.

16:50 GMT:
Protes sedang beralih dari istana, kembali ke Parlimen.

Protest is moving away from the palace, back towards parliament.

RT bercakap kepada demonstran sebelumnya tentang motif mereka untuk membantah:

RT spoke to a demonstrator earlier about his motives for protesting:

16:45 GMT:
"Apa yang kita mahu? Pendidikan Percuma! Bilakah kita mahu? Sekarang!"

"What do we want? Free Education! When do we want it? Now!"

Satu bantahan aman terus di luar istana.

16:35 GMT:
Penunjuk perasaan telah berkumpul kembali di halaman istana Buckingham, di mana mereka terus menyanyi.

Protesters have regrouped outside Buckingham Palace, where they are continuing to chant.

16:06 GMT:
Penunjuk perasaan di Dataran Parlimen nampaknya keliru dengan laluan perarakan. Mereka membahaskan langkah-langkah lebih lanjut.

The protesters in Parliament Square appear to be confused as to the route of the march. They are debating further measures.

16:00 WIB:
Perarakan itu sedang menuju kembali ke Parliament Square. Suasana kelihatan lebih damai.

The march is heading back towards Parliament Square. The atmosphere appears more peaceful.

15:55 GMT:
Terdapat laporan tangkapan lagi

There have been reports of further arrests

15:52 GMT:
Polis menyekat jalan raya di apa-apa yang menjadi cubaan untuk ketel penunjuk perasaan yang tersisa, di luar Scotland Yard.

Police are blocking the road in what appear to be attempts to kettle the remaining protesters, outside Scotland Yard.

15:47 GMT:
Berikut adalah foto daripada pertempuran terbaru di 15.38.

Here's photo of the latest clashes at 15.38.

15:45 GMT:
Polis berjuang untuk mengandungi penunjuk perasaan

Police struggle to contain protesters

15:44 GMT:
Gambar dari pegawai-pegawai polis yang cedera telah muncul.

A photo of an injured police officers has emerged.

15:42 GMT:
BREAKING: polis telah memotong kumpulan serpihan yang terlibat dalam pergelutan kerana mereka cuba untuk terus menunjukkan

BREAKING: police have cut off splinter group involved in scuffles as they attempt to continue demonstrating

15:40 GMT:
BREAKING: satu penangkapan dibuat daripada kumpulan serpihan di demo #FreeEducation ini.

BREAKING: one arrest made from the splinter group at the #FreeEducation demo.

15:38 GMT:
BREAKING: Seorang polisi cedera di #FreeEducation Demo

BREAKING: One policeman injured on #FreeEducation Demo

15:35 GMT:
Sementara pelajar dan aktivis berdiri dalam perpaduan di perarakan #freeeducation, pendapat umum di UK jelas dibagi:

While students and activists stand in solidarity at the #freeeducation march, public opinion in the UK is clearly divided:

15:34 GMT:
Baik untuk melihat bukan semua azab dan kesuraman di #freeeducation yang berarak!

Good to see it's not all doom and gloom at the #freeeducation march!

15:29 GMT:
MP parti hijau Caroline Lucas, yang merupakan bekas pemimpin parti itu, juga memberitahu pelajar bahawa yuran tuisyen dan pemotongan bajet untuk universiti adalah "Dari segi ekonomi buta huruf dan moral bankrap".

Green party MP Caroline Lucas, who was formerly the party leader, also told students that tuition fees and budget cuts to universities were "Economically illiterate and morally bankrupt".

15:26 GMT:
Pemimpin Parti Hijau Natalie Bennett memberitahu pelajar: "Bagaimana kita akan membayar #FreeEducation? Kita perlu orang-orang kaya dan syarikat-syarikat besar untuk membayar cukai mereka."

Green Party leader Natalie Bennett tells students : "How will we pay for #FreeEducation? We need rich people and big corporations to pay their taxes."

15:19 GMT:
Penunjuk perasaan yang berdemonstrasi di luar Jabatan Perniagaan, Inovasi dan Kemahiran #freeeducation

Protesters are demonstrating outside the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills #freeeducation

15:14 GMT:
MP Buruh Diane Abbott kepada pelajar membantah: "Jika saya telah menghadapi beribu-ribu pound dari hutang, saya tidak akan pergi ke universiti."

Labour MP Diane Abbott to students protesting : "If I had faced thousands of pounds of debt, I wouldn't have gone to university."

15:08 GMT: