Srikandi גבורה - Iraq berkata
"kumpulan pengganas" telah merampas bahan-bahan nuklear digunakan
untuk penyelidikan saintifik di sebuah universiti di utara negara. Utusan PBB
Iraq telah merayu bantuan untuk "menghindari ancaman penggunaannya oleh
pengganas di Iraq atau di luar negara."
Menurut Duta PBB
Iraq, Mohamed Ali Alhakim, kira2 40 kilogram uranium sebatian telah
disimpan di Mosul University. Beliau menambah bahawa bahan-bahan seperti
"boleh digunakan dalam pembuatan senjata pemusnah besar-besaran."
pengganas telah merampas kuasa bahan nuklear di laman yang keluar dari kawalan
negeri ini," Alhakim memberitahu Setiausaha Agung PBB Ban Ki-moon dalam
surat 8 Julai yang diperoleh oleh Reuters pada Rabu.
Alhakim memberi amaran bahawa
bahan-bahan boleh diseludup keluar dari Iraq.
Bahan-bahan yg
dicuri tdk dipercayai menjadi diperkaya uranium, yg akan menjadikan ia
sukar bagi mereka utk dijadikan senjata, satu sumber kerajaan kepada Reuters.
"Republik Iraq
memberitahu masyarakat antarabangsa daripada perkembangan ber-bahaya dan meminta
bantuan dan sokongan yg diperlukan utk menghindari ancaman penggunaannya
oleh pengganas di Iraq atau di luar negara," kata Alhakim dalam suratnya.
Iraq bersetuju
dengan Konvensyen Perlindungan Fizikal Bahan Nuklear pada hari Isnin, menurut
Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA). Ahli-ahli konvensyen itu bersetuju
untuk melindungi kemudahan nuklear dan bahan yg akan digunakan untuk kegunaan
aman domestik, penyimpanan, dan pengangkutan.
"Ia juga
menyediakan untuk kerjasama antara berkembang dan di kalangan negara mengenai
langkah-langkah yang cepat untuk mencari dan mendapatkan semula bahan nuklear
yang dicuri atau diseludup, mengurangkan sebarang kesan radiologi sabotaj, dan
mencegah dan kesalahan pertempuran yang berkaitan," yang dinyatakan IAEA.
Laporan itu datang
hanya sehari selepas Iraq memberitahu PBB bahawa pemberontak mengambil kawalan
bekas kemudahan senjata kimia yang terletak di utara Baghdad. Alhakim berkata
dalam surat kepada PBB bahawa "kumpulan pengganas bersenjata"
mengambil alih kompleks Muthanna pada 11 Jun. Kemudahan ini memegang sisa-sisa
bekas program senjata kimia.
Dalam suratnya
kepada ketua PBB, yang telah menjadi pengetahuan umum pada hari Selasa, Alhakim
juga merayu bantuan dari masyarakat antarabangsa. "Kerajaan Iraq meminta
Ahli Syarikat Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu utk memahami ketidakupayaan semasa Iraq,
kerana kemerosotan keadaan keselamatan, untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab untuk
memusnahkan senjata kimia," katanya.
Keuntungan pantas
oleh pemberontak Sunni yang diketuai oleh kumpulan Negeri Islam - sebelum ini
dikenali sebagai Negeri Islam di Iraq dan Levant - telah membolehkan mereka
mengisytiharkan wilayah di Iraq dan Syria di bawah kawalan mereka, untuk
menjadi sebuah negara Islam yang baru, atau khalifah.
Kumpulan itu
terutamanya terdiri daripada radikal Islam Sunni, dan telah memenangi sokongan
di kalangan mereka di Iraq tidak puas hati dengan sifat eksklusif kerajaan pusat
negara itu yang dikuasai Syiah.
Kumpulan itu
menguasai bandar negara ke-2 terbesar di Mosul pada 10 Jun apabila militan
Sunni menghalau tentera Iraq keluar dari bandar, memaksa ribuan orang untuk
melarikan diri. Semasa pengambilalihan, ISIS merobohkan tapak suci di seluruh
bandar, termasuk tempat-tempat suci dan masjid.
SUNNI Insurgents take Over NUCLEAE Materials
in Northern IRAQ . .
Iraq says
“terrorist groups” have seized nuclear materials used for scientific research
at a university in the country's north. Iraq's UN envoy has appealed for help
to "stave off the threat of their use by terrorists in Iraq or
According to Iraq's
UN ambassador, Mohamed Ali Alhakim, about 40 kilograms of uranium compounds
were kept at Mosul University. He added that such materials "can be used
in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction."
groups have seized control of nuclear material at the sites that came out of
the control of the state," Alhakim told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
in the July 8 letter obtained by Reuters on Wednesday.
Alhakim warned that the materials
could be smuggled out of Iraq.
The stolen
materials are not believed to be enriched uranium, which would make it
difficult for them to be made into weapons, a government source told Reuters.
"The Republic
of Iraq is notifying the international community of these dangerous
developments and asking for help and the needed support to stave off the threat
of their use by terrorists in Iraq or abroad," Alhakim said in a letter.
Iraq acceded to the
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material on Monday, according
to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Members of the convention
agree to protect nuclear facilities and material to be used for peaceful domestic
use, storage, and transport.
"It also
provides for expanded cooperation between and among states regarding rapid
measures to locate and recover stolen or smuggled nuclear material, mitigate
any radiological consequences of sabotage, and prevent and combat related
offences," the IAEA stated.
The report comes
just one day after Iraq told the UN that insurgents took control of a former
chemical weapons facility located north of Baghdad. Alhakim said in a letter to
the UN that “armed terrorist groups” took over the Muthanna complex on June 11.
The facility holds the remnants of a former chemical weapons program.
In his letter to
the UN chief, which was made public on Tuesday, Alhakim also pleaded for help
from the international community. "The Government of Iraq requests the
States Members of the United Nations to understand the current inability of
Iraq, owing to the deterioration of the security situation, to fulfill its
obligations to destroy chemical weapons," he said.
The rapid gains by
Sunni insurgents led by the Islamic State group – formerly known as the Islamic
State in Iraq and the Levant – have allowed them to declare the territory in
Iraq and Syria under their control, to be a new Islamic state, or caliphate.
The group is primarily composed of radical Sunni Muslims, and has won the
support among those in Iraq disgruntled with the exclusive nature of the
country's Shia-dominated central government.
The group took
control of the country's second largest city of Mosul on June 10 when Sunni
militants drove Iraq’s army out of the city, forcing thousands of civilians to
flee. During the takeover, ISIS demolished sacred sites throughout the city,
including shrines and mosques.
Srikandi גבורה - Mazhab militan
Islam, ISIS, yang telah menyerang seluruh utara dan barat Iraq sejak bulan
lepas, tlh merobohkan tapak suci seperti tempat-tempat suci dan masjid di
sekitar bandar utara bersejarah Mosul di wilayah Nineveh.
Gambar-gambar dari
kawasan yang dihantar online di bawah panji-panji "merobohkan
tempat-tempat suci dan patung tugu idola di negeri Niniwe" masjid yang
digambarkan sedang bertukar menjadi timbunan runtuhan - bahan letupan digunakan
menentang bangunan Syiah - dan jentolak merobohkan tempat-tempat suci.
Sekurang-kurangnya 4
tempat-tempat suci untuk Sunni angka Arab atau Sufi telah dimusnahkan oleh
jentolak, menurut AFP. Struktur telah dibina di sekitar kubur orang-orang kudus
Islam. 6 buah masjid Syiah juga telah dimusnahkan
menggunakan bahan letupan.
ISIS Jihadists Demolish MOSQUES, Shrines
in northern IRAQ (PHOTOS)
. . .
(Image from
Islamic militant
sect, ISIS, which has been rampaging across the north and west of Iraq since
last month, has been demolishing sacred sites such as shrines and mosques
around the historic northern city of Mosul in Nineveh province.
Photographs from
the area posted online under the banner “Demolishing shrines and idols in the
state of Nineveh” depicted mosques being turned into piles of rubble –
explosives deployed against Shiite buildings - and bulldozers flattening the
At least four
shrines to Sunni Arab or Sufi figures have been destroyed by the bulldozers,
according to AFP. The structures had been built around graves of Muslim saints.
Six Shiite mosques have also been destroyed using explosives.
"Kami berasa
sangat sedih untuk perobohan tempat-tempat suci ini, yang kita warisi dari
nenek dan datuk kami," berusia 51 tahun bermastautin Mosul Ahmed kepada
"Mereka adalah tanda tempat di
bandar," katanya.
Penduduk tempatan
mengesahkan bahawa bangunan2 yang telah musnah dan 2 katedral diduduki kepada agensi.
Salib-salib di hadapan gereja Kasdim Mosul dan Syria gereja Ortodoks telah
dikeluarkan & digantikan dengan panji2 hitam daripada Negara Islam.
“We feel very sad for the demolition
of these shrines, which we inherited from
our fathers and grandfathers,”
51-year-old Mosul resident Ahmed told AFP.
“They are landmarks in the city,” he
Local residents
verified that buildings had been destroyed and two cathedrals occupied to the
agency. Crosses at the front of Mosul’s Chaldean cathedral and Syrian Orthodox
cathedral were removed and replaced with the black flag of the Islamic State.
Bandar Tal Afar, kira-kira 70km
barat Mosul, juga disasarkan, dengan sebuah kuil Syiah Huseiniya yang
Salah satu tempat suci dimusnahkan
telah terselamat sasaran sebelum oleh kumpulan itu pada 24 Jun.
The city of Tal Afar, approximately
70km west of Mosul, was also targeted, with a Shiite Huseiniya temple being
blown up.
One of the shrines destroyed had
survived a prior targeting by the group on June 24.
lelaki, wanita dan kanak-kanak membentuk dinding manusia dan dikelilingi makam
suci Sheikh Fathi dalam kejiranan al-Mushahada barat Mosul dan menghalang
pengganas daripada menyerang," Ninawa majlis puak timbalan ketua Ibrahim
al-Hassan memberitahu Al-Shorfa tidak lama selepas kejadian itu.
“Dozens of men,
women and children formed a human wall and surrounded the sacred shrine of
Sheikh Fathi in al-Mushahada neighbourhood of western Mosul and prevented the
terrorists from storming it,” Ninawa tribal council deputy head Ibrahim
al-Hassan told Al-Shorfa shortly after the incident.
Makam Sheikh Fathi - satu Mosul yang
paling penting, sejak 1760, adalah antara ianya yang musnah.
Mosul telah
ditangkap pada 10 Jun apabila militan Sunni menghalau tentera Iraq keluar dari
bandar. Beribu-ribu orang awam melarikan diri sebagai Golongan ini mengambil
alih bandar terhadap majoriti Syiah kerajaan Baghdad yang dipimpin oleh Perdana
Menteri Nuri al-Maliki.
Sheikh Fathi’s shrine – one of
Mosul’s most important, dating back to 1760, was among those destroyed.
Mosul was captured
on June 10 when Sunni militants drove Iraq’s army out of the city. Thousands of
civilians fled as jihadists took control of the city against the Shi’ite
majority Baghdad government led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
Maliki telah
bersumpah untuk mengalahkan jihad; pada hari Jumaat dia secara terbuka
menyatakan bahawa: "Menarik daripada medan perang manakala yang dihadapi
oleh organisasi pengganas yg bertentangan dgn Islam & umat manusia akan
menunjukkan kelemahan dan bukannya membawa tanggungjawab yang sah, negara dan
moral saya."
"Saya telah
berikrar kepada Allah bahawa saya akan terus berjuang di sisi angkatan tentera
& sukarelawan kita sehingga kita mengalahkan musuh2 Iraq &
rakyatnya," katanya.
Maliki has sworn to
defeat the jihadists; on Friday he stated publicly that: “Pulling out of the
battlefield while facing terrorist organizations that are against Islam and
humanity would show weakness instead of carrying out my legitimate, national
and moral responsibility.”
“I have vowed to God that I will
continue to fight by the side of our armed forces
and volunteers until we
defeat the enemies of Iraq and its people,” he said.