Reuters/Baz Ratner
Srikandi גבורה - Tentera
Ukraine telah mula serangan timur Ukraine bandar2 Slavyansk dan
Kramatorsk, therby meneruskan operasi ketenteraan besar-besaran di Timur
negara, tempatan laporan berita outlet.
operasi tentera berskala penuh telah bermula pada Kramatorsk dan Slavyansk.
BM-21 kenderaan pelancaran "Grad" yang digunakan, "berasaskan
Donbas, agensi Ostrov ber-kata.
perasaan anti-kerajaan di Slavyansk telah diturunkan helikopter tentera Ukraine
di selatan-timur Slavyansk, rantau Donetsk, timur Ukraine, saksi tempatan
memberitahu Itar-Tass.
army chopper downed as shelling of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk begins . . .
army has started shelling the eastern Ukraine cities of Slavyansk and
Kramatorsk, therby resuming its massive military operation in the East of the
country, local news outlets report.
full-scale military operation has begun in Kramatorsk and Slavyansk. BM-21
launch vehicle “Grad” are being used,” Donbas-based Ostrov agency says.
protesters in Slavyansk have downed a Ukrainian forces helicopter in the
south-east of Slavyansk, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, a local witness told
Rapi telah dpt didengar di rantau ini, dan asap hitam tebal dilihat,"
shooting has been heard in the region, and thick black smoke seen,” he added.
Evgeny Poddubnyy @epoddubny
еще один разрушенный дом. Во время попадания снаряда жители были во дворе. 6:01 PM - 29
May 2014
hari Rabu sekolah dan tadika telah dikupas di dlm Slavyansk. Di tadika
sekurang-kurangnya 9 orang awam yg tercedera, termasuk seorang budak 4 tahun.
guru dari sekolah yang disasarkan berkata mortar meletup kanan di atas dewan
sekolah, di mana kanak-kanak biasanya berkumpul untuk acara-acara perayaan, dan
seba-hagian daripada bumbung "yg telah hanya terpesona."
baik, tiada kanak-kanak berada dalam dewan pada masa itu. Semua murid-murid dan
guru-guru telah cepat dipindahkan ke tingkat bawah tanah.
Wednesday a school and a kindergarten were shelled in Slavyansk. In the
kindergarten at least 9 civilians were injured, including a 4-year old boy.
teacher from a targeted school said that the shell exploded right above the
school hall, where children are usually gathered for festive events, and part
of the roof “was simply blown away.” Luckily, no children were in the hall at
the time. All the pupils and teachers were quickly evacuated to the basement.
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