Jumlah kerusi yang diperolehi oleh setiap pihak muncul di skrin daripada hemicycle Parlimen Eropah, di Brussels, semasa pengumuman pilihan raya Eropah keputusan pada 25 Mei 2014 (The number of seats gained by each party appears on the screen of the hemicycle of the European Parliament, in Brussels, during the announcement of the European elections results on May 25, 2014 (AFP Photo/John Thys)
Srikandi גבורה - Pilihan raya Parlimen Eropah telah tertarik dengan yang rapat mem-bawa keuntungan besar bagi kedua-dua Eurosceptic dan Jauh Hak pergerakan. Keputusan telah memberikan tamparan kepada kerajaan, dengan PM Perancis juga memanggil hasil-nya "Gempa bumi politik".
paling utama mood awam anti-EU telah ditunjukkan di Perancis, di mana paling ‘right
National Front’ Marine Le Pen menjaringkan lebih daripada 1/4 daripada undi. Tanpa
menunggu angka muktamad, Perancis Manuel Valls PM mengumumkan di tele-visyen
nasional bahawa keputusan sedemikian untuk parti anti-EU adalah politik
"Gempa bumi" untuk Perancis - dan seluruh Eropah.
berdaulat telah mengisytiharkan mereka mahu mengambil kembali tampuk nasib
mereka," kata Marine Le Pen. "Kita menuntut hanya satu politik. Politik
Perancis, untuk Perancis."
Eurosceptic dan jauh kanan juga telah menunjukkan kemenangan di Greece dan
Denmark, dan juga UK dan Itali.
kiri Syriza Greece, yang menentang langkah-langkah penjimatan diharapkan untuk
mendapatkan 26.7 % peratus undi, mengalahkan pusat - hak Demokrasi New Premier
Antonis Samaras. Pada masa yang sama pihak Golden Subuh jauh kanan telah
menerima 9 % peratus undi.
Jerman eurosceptic AFD semakin hanya 6.8 % peratus, manakala mengikut keluar -
pemilihan pusat kanan Kristian Demokratik Union Canselor Angela Merkel telah
menang dengan 36 % peratus undi .
keputusan awal Eropah Parti Rakyat tengah-kanan, yang diketuai oleh bekas Perdana
Menteri Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker, masih berada di atas landasan yang
betul untuk memenangi pilihan raya dan mendapat 212 kerusi di Parlimen Eropah -
turun dari 274 kerusi. Sosialis dan Demokrat tengah kiri pula dijangka merebut
185 - Turun dari semasa 196 Aliansi
Liberal dan Demokrat diharapkan untuk mendapatkan 71 kerusi - turun dari 83.
pihak-pihak yang pro-Eropah masih memegang majoriti kerusi di Parlimen,
bilangan yang lebih besar daripada ahli parlimen anti-EU boleh meningkatkan
perbezaan pendapat dan merumitkan lulus langkah-langkah tidak popular di mana
parti-parti arus perdana dibahagikan.
keluar kadar pada pilihan raya - satu petunjuk bagaimana terlibat orang ramai
merasakan dengan Eropah - kekal tidak berubah daripada 43 % peratus kembali pada
tahun 2009 Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa negara menunjukkan turnouts lebih baik,
yang lain pula ia menjunam - Seperti di
Slovakia, di mana rekod rendah 13 % peratus daripada pengundi yang layak
Earthquake’: Eurosceptics surge
in EU elections . . .
European parliamentary elections have drawn to a close bringing major gains for
both Eurosceptic and Far Right movements. The results have dealt a blow to
governments, with the French PM even calling the result "a political
most major anti-EU public mood was demonstrated in France, where Marine Le
Pen's far right National Front scored more than a quarter of the votes cast.
Without even waiting for the final figures, French PM Manuel Valls announced on
national television that such a result for the anti-EU party was a political
“earthquake” for France – and the entire Europe.
sovereign people have declared they want to take back the reins of their
destiny," said Marine Le Pen. "Our people demand just one politics.
The politics of the French, for the French."
and far-right parties were also showing gains in Greece and Denmark, as well as
the UK and Italy.
leftist Syriza, which opposes the austerity measures was expected to get 26.7%
of the vote, beating the center-right New Democracy of Premier Antonis Samaras.
At the same time the far-right Golden Dawn party was receiving 9% of the vote.
Germany eurosceptic AfD was getting only 6.8%, while according to exit-polls
Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right Christian Democratic Union was winning
with 36% of the vote.
to preliminary results the centre-right European People's Party, led by former
Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, was still on track to win the
elections and get 212 seats in the European parliament – down from 274 seats.
The center-left Socialists and Democrats were projected to grab 185 – down from
current 196. The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats was expected to get 71
seats – down from 83.
pro-European parties are still holding the vast majority of the seats in the
parliament, larger number of anti-EU lawmakers may increase disagreements and
complicate passing unpopular measures on which mainstream parties are divided.
rates at the elections – an indicator of how engaged the public feels with
Europe – remained virtually unchanged from 43 percent back in 2009. However,
while some countries showed better turnouts, in others it plummeted – like in
Slovakia, where a record low of 13% of eligible voters cast their ballots.
MORE: http://on.rt.com/bje09c
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