Tuesday, 21 October 2014

TENTERA Darat Amerika Syarikat dgn DIADAKAN Janji dari JERMAN bahawa Virus Ebola tidak akan WEAPONIZED . . .

Penonton membaca tajuk-tajuk utama berkata "Ebola 1: Amerika Syarikat 0" Daily Talk, akhbar papan hitam tepi jalan, di Monrovia (Bystanders read headlines saying "Ebola 1: USA 0" at the Daily Talk, a street side chalkboard newspaper, in Monrovia (Reuters/James Giahyue)

tiaraVillaRuby Amerika Syarikat mempunyai dengan jaminan diadakan dari Jerman bahawa virus Ebola yang - antara penyakit-penyakit berkaitan yang lain - tidak akan weaponized sekiranya berlaku Jerman mengeksport ke US Army Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan untuk Penyakit Berjangkit.

Jerman MFA Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Kawalan Eksport Markus Klinger disedia-kan kertas untuk Ekonomi Pejabat konsulat Amerika Syarikat (Econoff), "mencari jaminan tambahan yang berkaitan dgn eksport yang dicadangkan patogen sangat berbahaya."

Jerman kemudiannya membuat dua permohonan susulan dan penjelasan kepada Angkatan Tentera, menurut kabel Wikileaks yang tidak dapat dikelaskan.

"Perkara ini adalah mengenai genom lengkap virus seperti virus Zaire Ebola, virus Tasik Victoria Marburg, virus Machupo dan virus Lassa, yang benar-benar di antara patogen yang paling berbahaya di DUNIA," nota permintaan.

Virus Ebola Zaire adalah ketegangan yang sama virus Ebola yang telah mengamuk melalui Afrika Barat dalam beberapa bulan terakhir.

"Penghantaran akan meletakkan penerima dalam kedudukan yang mampu untuk membuat replikasi spesies berjangkit rekombinan virus ini," catatan kabel.

Walau bagaimanapun, ia juga menunjukkan bahawa Jerman telah menyediakan satu "dasar yg sangat terhad," sambil menambah bahawa persetujuan tidak akan diberikan kepada eksport sehingga Amerika Syarikat memberikan jaminan.

"Keputusan mengenai eksport belum lagi dibuat. Memandangkan perkara di atas, kami sangat menghargai pengesahan sijil penggunaan akhir adalah benar-benar daripada Jabatan Tentera Darat dan ketepatan data yg terkandung di dalamnya," dokumen yang dinyatakan.

Tidak ada dokumen susulan yang tersedia untuk mengesahkan sama ada US Army akhirnya disediakan Jerman dengan jaminan yang perlu.

Bioweapons telah diharamkan di Konvensyen Senjata Biologi dari tahun 1972 & tlh ditandatangani & disahkan oleh 179 penandatangan, termasuk Jerman, Amerika Syarikat dan Rusia.

Ia menetapkan bahawa penandatangan, "dlm semua keadaan penggunaan bakte-riologi (biologi) dan toksin senjata secara efektif dilarang oleh Konvensyen" dan "penentuan Negara pihak untuk mengutuk sebarang penggunaan agen biologi atau racun selain daripada untuk tujuan damai, oleh siapa saja pada bila-bila masa."

US Army Withheld PROMISE from GERMANY that Ebola VIRUS Wouldn't be WEAPONIZED . . .

The United States has with held assurances from Germany that the Ebola virus - among other related diseases - would not be weaponized in the event of Germany exporting it to the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases.

German MFA Deputy Head of Division for Export Control Markus Klinger provided a paper to the US consulate's Economics Office (Econoff), "seeking additional assurances related to a proposed export of extremely dangerous pathogens."

Germany subsequently made two follow-up requests and clarifications to the Army, according to the unclassified Wikileaks cable.

"This matter concerns the complete genome of viruses such as the Zaire Ebola virus, the Lake Victoria Marburg virus, the Machupo virus and the Lassa virus, which are absolutely among the most dangerous pathogens in the world," the request notes.

The Zaire Ebola virus was the same strain of Ebola virus which has been rampaging through West Africa in recent months.

"The delivery would place the recipient in the position of being able to create replicating recombinant infectious species of these viruses," the cable notes.

However, it also points out that Germany has in place an "exceptionally restrictive policy," adding that approval would not be granted to the export until US assurance was provided.

"A decision about the export has not yet been made. Given the foregoing, we would appreciate confirmation that the end use certificate really is from the Department of the Army and of the accuracy of the data contained therein," the document stated.

There is no follow-up document available to confirm whether the US Army eventually provided Germany with the necessary guarantees.

Bioweapons were outlawed in the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972 and was signed and ratified by 179 signatories, including Germany, the US and Russia.

It dictates that signatories, "under all circumstances the use of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons is effectively prohibited by the Convention" and "the determination of States parties to condemn any use of biological agents or toxins other than for peaceful purposes, by anyone at any time."